Home / Training Package for Sustainability in Social Entreprises / Module 4 – Design Thinking and Social Causes

Module 4 – Design Thinking and Social Causes

This module introduces learners to the harmonization of design thinking principles with social causes. By module’s end, learners will understand the application of design thinking in social contexts, recognize the necessary criteria and values for its use, identify user needs from a recipient’s viewpoint, and employ tools like the Empathy Map and Walt Disney’s approach. “Unit 1: Discovering the Tools of Design Thinking” offers hands-on activities including building an Empathy Map and brainstorming with the Walt Disney approach, enriching learners’ practical skills. This module empowers learners with both theory and practice, enabling them to adeptly apply design thinking to amplify their impact on social causes.


  • Module activity
  • Evaluation and Assessment
  • Module Presentation
  • Compendium
  • Guidelines
  • References
  • Quiz

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