Home / Training Package for Sustainability in Social Entreprises / Module 1 – Introduction: concept of social entrepreneurship (SE)

Module 1 – Introduction: concept of social entrepreneurship (SE)

This module presents the basics of social entrepreneurship, covering concepts like social economy, trends, and distinguishing social enterprises from traditional businesses and non-profits. You’ll also learn about the benefits of integrating social enterprise practices into business strategies through real case studies. The module consists of three units: “Unit 1: Introducing Social Entrepreneurship,” “Unit 2: Introducing Social Economy,” and “Unit 3: Social Entrepreneur.” As learners progress, they’ll establish a strong understanding of social entrepreneurship’s core principles, ready to navigate a world where business and positive societal impact converge.


  • Module activity
  • Evaluation and Assessment
  • Module Presentation
  • Compendium
  • Guidelines
  • References
  • Quiz

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